The looming of expired existences/sentences lets plumes emerge from the edges.
Algorithmically generated photo collages. Computer-aided poetry with one page of Charles Babbage’s On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures as input.
― Book, 20 pages ↷ PDF (3,5 MB) ― Physical copy on request.
The concrete poems are generated with p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. One sketch from Plumes is ↷ here.
The three photo collages are made using a Bash script (modified version of
For Availing the input text is first typeset as one long line. The result is one document with the measurements of 27.495×97 pixels. This strip is then cut into 500 pieces: The cutting point slowly moves forward along the strip while the width of the snippets changes in size, the change following a sine function. The snippets are assembled according to the cutting order.
Code for cutting:
#!/bin/bash br=-1 # start for the counter until [ $br -gt 498 ] # how many snippets will be produced (+2) do ((br+=1)) # a counter be=`printf %03d $br` # prints 3 digits numbers (for naming files) mo=`awk -v x="$br" 'BEGIN {wv=sin(x/25)*100 ; printf wv < 0 ? -wv : wv }'` # defines a sine function and only prints absolute values of numbers mkdir -p cuts # creates directory for the snippets echo " Cutting … $br" magick babbage.png -gravity SouthWest \ -crop "%[fx:97+$mo]"x97+"%[fx:w*($br*0.002)]"+0 \ +repage cuts/$be.png # ImageMagick 7, cuts the image done